
Part 10 | #BoostYourBusiness Series Few industries benefit from location-based intelligence like the real estate industry. As real estate agents and agencies have become more advanced and data-driven, they’ve progressively turned to location data to bring in more clients and optimize their house or commercial buying experience. If you call the real estate industry home,...
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Field teams and road warriors know how much time planning, optimizing and navigating daily routes can take — hours upon hours. Luckily, with the debut of Geopointe’s Route Planner, field and service teams no longer have to spend exorbitant amounts of time planning repetitive visits! Route Planner allows field teams to assess their territories and other...
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  Engenium Capital is a leading financial services company based out of Mexico City, Mexico. They specialize in providing comprehensive leasing & business loan solutions for strategic assets to businesses across various industries, including fleet services, technology, industrial manufacturing and numerous others. With a tech-driven business model that emphasizes innovation and efficiency, they have established themselves...
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These days, people’s day-to-day lives are more revolved around their cell phones than ever before, providing marketers with endless amounts of real-time location data. With so much valuable location-based information available, content marketing has become more informed and strategic. If you’re a marketer looking to use location data to keep your company’s content ahead of...
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From person to person, Geopointe fulfills a wide range of duties based on individual roles and responsibilities. As such, Geopointe was built to ensure that every end-user could easily customize their map settings to meet their specific needs. But, not every Geopointe user knows about these dynamic customizations, or how easy they are to apply!...
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Tips, Tricks & Takeaways from Geopointe’s Recent Webinar Salesforce is a game-changing business tool that offers countless business benefits. But, before you can reap those benefits, you need to make it through the adoption stage, which can easily go awry without proper guidance. Fortunately, the Geopointe team has seen the many struggles and successes that...
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Event marketing plays a critical role in most marketing departments. In fact, 80 percent of marketers believe live events are critical to their company’s success. But, despite being a cornerstone of the job, event marketing budgets and processes are often overwhelming and tough to quantify. Luckily, geolocation solutions, like Geopointe, have entered the picture to...
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  Key Geopointe Resources to Successfully Guide Your Executive Team Executives need to see the big picture for new business ideas to come to light. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the Geopointe features that Admins can setup to expand the dimensions of your executives’ Salesforce data and empower their decision-making.
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Company: HFO Investment Real Estate, LLC Industry: Real Estate The team at HFO Investment Real Estate, LLC are experts in the multi-family home real estate market. HFO helps qualified investors with interest in multi-family homes find the perfect real estate investment options that meet their personal and financial objectives – from private clients looking to...
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From candy grams to RomComs, Valentine’s Day is jam-packed with many well-known traditions that are entrenched in our culture. But, there’s much we’re still learning about this Hallmark holiday thanks to modern technology and location data. So, for the 54.8% of Americans celebrating February 14th this year, we’ve compiled a heart-felt infographic full of interesting tidbits...
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