
Our CEO, Scott Hemmeter, was a guest on the fabulous Button Click Admin podcast and discussed how he got started with Salesforce, mapping on the Salesforce platform as well as his knack for weaseling up to the front at Dreamforce concerts. You can listen to the interview at https://buttonclickadmin.com/scott-hemmeter-on-maps-in-salesforce/ or subscribe (iTunes, RSS) to the Button Click...
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Add to Campaign is not a new feature to Geopointe, but recent updates make it that much better. Originally, the Add to Campaign button showed only if the app recognized that leads or contacts were on the map. However, there are times when searching accounts or opportunities that you realize they are prime candidates for...
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With the July 2013 release of Geopointe we have introduced a great new feature called Geopointe Actions. Actions allow massive amounts of customization inside Geopointe and allow you to extend the application with your own custom business logic. We think they are pretty awesome and hope you do too. With this initial release we support...
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We are putting the finishing touches on our next release and it should be a good one. Below is the release schedule: Monday, July 22: Push to all Sandbox systems Tuesday, July 23: Release Overview Webinar (Register here) Thursday, July 25: Available on AppExchange Saturday, July 27: Push to all Production systems We have some great...
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Among our most common questions is: how can I see my contacts and leads on the same map? Or perhaps something like: I need to see a comparison between my current customers and my open opportunities; can I do that? The answer to both these questions is yes. This was previously covered in an old blog post,...
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We strongly recommend in our Post-Installation Instructions that you use the Schedule Jobs button in Geopointe Setup to help keep the map up to the date. The batch job runs hourly, checking 3 map objects per hour for updates or new records. This is as often as Salesforce allows us to schedule a batch job. However, this isn’t...
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A new Geopointe update is now available on the Salesforce AppExchange. This update will be automatically distributed to all customers on Saturday, June 1. Those wanting to update now can do so by clicking Get It Now from our AppExchange listing. This update is focused on furthering the user experience that we vastly improved in...
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When you installed Geopointe, you probably saw it and wondered what it was. There’s a Map Object for it. And there’s a Data Set for it. And there’s a tab for it. But what are Geo Locations? Geo Locations are where saved locations created on the Map Page go, or where you can save addresses that don’t...
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Now that the Geopointe v3 release has settled in, we are hard at work on the next one. The best ideas for improving Geopointe always come from our users. We want to make the process of submitting and voting on ideas easier. Enter the new Geopointe Ideas site. This site gives you the ability to submit/vote/comment on ideas for making Geopointe...
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< << << << << We added a Help tab onto the Map page with links to important information. We also encourage you to join (or direct your users to join) our weekly webinars. Starting with the next one, we will be highlighting the v3 features.
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