
Back in 2012, we revamped and expanded the Help Center. That page has served us well, but we decided to start 2015 with a Geopointe Help Center facelift! The fact is, Geopointe is growing. And hey, that’s awesome – we’re glad to have every last one of you. But that also means the need for...
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Introduction Whether via Geopointe or a free application like Google Earth, spatial data is best displayed on a map. Coordinates and addresses can be displayed in fields on a Salesforce record, or spreadsheet, but seeing the full spatial context of data can unlock powerful insights and conclusions which otherwise would have been overlooked. Geopointe users...
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  It must be summer rerun season because they are even letting the sales team write blog posts! Here are my Top 10 favorite use cases for Geopointe to improve productivity  using Geopointe: 1. Visualize your business/territory Map accounts, opportunities, donors, custom objects and my valuable insight by querying across any of your Salesforce records or...
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Dreamforce 2013 had the requisite ‘forward looking statements’ (hashtag Safe Harbour) from Salesforce.com, but for the first time, in a long time, one of those ‘forward looking statements’ was already part of the here and now. We’re talking, of course, about Salesforce mobile (previously known as Salesforce1 and SF1), the completely reimagined version of Salesforce.com’s...
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The AppExchange has over 2,000 apps that have been downloaded more than 2,000,000 times. These range from free, niche apps to entire application suites. What do you choose? While there are many choices on AppExchange, the cream does rise to the top. Learn about 10 of those apps, including Geopointe, at Dreamforce by attending the...
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The AppExchange has revolutionized enterprise computing and is helping fuel entrepreneurship around the world. We are very pleased that Dreamforce has a dedicated track for entrepreneurs with a number of great sessions. I will be participating in one session entitled Practical Tips and Tricks for Bootstrapping Your Business as part of the Partner/Entrepreneur track. Joining me will be...
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The check-ins feature allows Geopointe users on the road to check in at a location. The information can be sent to Chatter or placed on the record as a created task. This walk-through is going to give you a quick use case for Check-ins and how the functionality could fit into your business model. Situation:...
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A fresh coat of paint can make a huge difference. Look at all the television shows on home improvement networks where houses are bought, cleaned up, and sold for a profit. Nobody wants to buy an old out dated house and the same goes for software applications. Enterprise apps should first provide tangible value to...
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CloudForGood hosts many great webinars and also started the “Apps for Good” webinar series. They invited us to demonstrate how non-profits can take advantage of Geopointe in their efforts. We agreed and participated in a webinar on October 17. Please visit the Cloud for Good archive page to get the slides and watch the recorded video.
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When starting to use Geopointe, the process of setting it up to get your desired mapping results may seem overwhelming. In actuality, though, you have the keys to building a cohesive and familiar library of data sets for your users that mirrors the rest of your Salesforce system. Familiar Segmentation Before touching Geopointe, look at...
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