Geopointe December 2013 Release

Release Webinar

We will be holding a webinar dedicated to the new release features on Thursday, January 2 at 10:00am pacific. Please register for that webinar to learn more.

New Features

Salesforce1 Mobile Check In Action

Geopointe now includes a Salesforce1 Global Check In Action. For any object that supports Publisher Actions all you need to do is edit the page layout and add the Check In action. Then inside the Salesforce1 mobile app you can access the Check In page by opening the actions with the little blue plus icon in the lower right.

Select the Check In action…

Enter your optional message and select Submit.

A custom object Check In record will be created behind the scenes with all the metadata information about the Check In including the latitude/longitude coordinates, time, and other information. If posted to the Feed users will see the Check In message and an image of the Check In location.

NOTE: Android users should be aware of a Salesforce1 bug that prevents the device from gathering accurate GPS coordinates. We are working with to help them resolve this issue. While this bug exists with Salesforce1, Check Ins for Android will work, but the location reported may be off by up to half a mile.


Geopointe with Google Maps now supports heatmap functionality. After performing a search on the map page you can convert the results to a heatmap by selecting the Toggle Heatmap button. You can show and hide visibility of the map pins when the heatmap is active by selecting the Toggle Marker Pins button.

When the heatmap layer is present you also have the ability to adjust the intensity of the heatmap with the heatmap intensity slider. This is very useful depending on the type of data you are mapping. For example, mapping door-to-door sales calls may be considered dense if there are 10 check ins within one city block. Where as when mapping cell towers these may be considered dense if there are 10 cell towers within 20 miles of each other. The slider allows you to adjust the heatmap intensity to work for both these use cases.

URL Filter Parameters

We continue to add features that allow you to extend, customize, and use Geopointe with your custom business logic. In this release we now support passing custom filters to the map page with URL parameters.

This is enables you to build custom solutions with Geopointe to meet your unique business requirements. For example it is now very easy to create a button that will map all records in a related list by filtering on the parent Id field or creating a find similar nearby accounts button by passing field values from that Account record to the map search page. Stay tuned for a more detailed blog post on how this can be used but you can see the documentation for this functionality here.

Access Record Chatter Feed from Map Page

It is now super easy to access the Chatter Feed for mapped data. Simply click the pin to open the record info box and then select the Chatter Feed link.

Like all Actions, visibility and access to this Action can be controlled under the Actions tab on the Geopointe Setup page.

Filter on Records with Activities

You can now filter on records with Events or Tasks. One example is filtering on all Accounts that have an Event schedule in the next week. Another is to view all Opportunities that have overdue tasks. Simply build the Data Set filters as you always have the the search will work.

Quick Collapse Map Control Panels

You have always been able to collapse the map control panels be clicking or selecting the open tab but this was functionally was a little hidden away. We have now added a quick collapse icon to all the map control panels that will quickly collapse the panel allowing you to see the entire map at a glance.

Other Changes and Features

  • New Geopointe API method to launch Spatial Key batch job
  • Map page will save selected map type (map, satellite, hybrid)
  • Map navigation controls moved to right side of map
  • CSV Export includes pin number if Number Map Pins setting is used
  • POST / Visualforce List Action
  • Full release notes:

Next Release Roadmap

2013 has been a great year and Geopointe has seen lots of improvements but we still have so much to do! Early 2014 will have a major focus on mobile as we will be building a Salesforce1 version of Geopointe. Other areas of focus for the desktop version of Geopointe will be an improved filter building tool and a revamped route management interface for better team route management.

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